So guys, here are the tips on how to save on Fuel (on automobiles only):
1#Plan your journey ahead. If possible, don`t drive during peak hours. Traffic jam is a waste of time and fuels. My Proton`s full tank (RM120) cannot last a week for a 5 times +/-30KM journey.
2#Service your car regularly (usually in 3 months interval or after every 5000KM). A well maintained engine prolonged its life and maintain the fuel consumptions.
3#Check and clean up (if necessary) your engine`s air filter and spark plug. These two components if not taken care of will cause your engine to operate inefficiently. The engine will be unable to mix air and fuels and burn it for optimum result.
4#Do not put extra weight on your car. Remove all unnecessary thing form your car`s compartment. Extra weight means extra fuel consumption for your car.
5#For manual transmission, shift and stay at highest gear if possible so that the RPM will stay below 3000RPM (less RPM mean less fuel burned). For automatic transmission, don't press the gas pedal too hard from static condition. Press the gas pedal gently and let your car gain momentum slowly. If you press it too much, your RPM will only goes up but your car still take time to gain momentum due to the restrictions on the automatic gearbox.
6#install voltage regulator to save 5% to 10% less fuel consumptions (installation cost range from RM100 to RM150)
7#wash and wax your car regularly. Reason?? to improve air flow and aerodynamic of your car. ;P When we talk about aerodynamic, don't buy box shaped car instead buy an egg shaped one. Boxy shaped cars like Proton Juara consumes more fuels compared to let say Perodua Rusa. Bad aerodynamic design cause drag. Drag means more energy needed by the engine to move the car.

8# Use small diameter tires and aloy rims. Reason is to save weight and and remove unnecessary burden on your engine. The negative side is, small tires decrease traction control..
9# Minimize air conditioning usage. Air conditioner consumes fuel my dear..hehe
10# Don`t leave your car on idle for a long period. Turn your car engine off while waiting for your save fuels, and help save our environment. Even though starting your engine consumes a considerable amount of fuels but that's only true to some extent with carburetors engine.
That all pals!! save fuels and save our environment. Do your small part to save the world and be a hero!!