I think I`m a movie lover. You asked me why?? Easy mate.. because it seems that almost every week I will pay a visit to a cineplex. For this month alone, I already watch 3 movies. A month before that I watch 4 movies. And just to reinforce the fact that I am an avid movie lover, almost everyday I watch HBO, Cinemax and Starmovies.. ahha.. that means at least 10-20 movies a month.. Whoa!! that is quite a lot of movies..
Just to share with you guys, I think, in my humble opinion the best movie of the month award is belong to WALL E. I watched this movie at the TGV Mines shopping Centre and the film`s characters tickles me to the bone!! kudos to Disney and Pixar for this marvelous animation film..
The main characters of this anime are WALL-E (Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth-Class) and EVE (Extraterrestrial Vegetation Evaluator). The storyline goes like this. Planet Earth in the 22nd century is so polluted and full with human waste. The Earth condition during that time is so severe up to the point that earth is not suitable for human being to live. So a corporation (BuyNLarge company) create a huge spaceship to accommodate human population and leave behind a group of WALL E to collect and manage garbage on earth with a hope that someday earth will be back to normal conditions. 700 years latter only one WALL E survived and his daily routine is to compress garbage and manage them. Apart from that, WALL E also seems to auto generate a new directive i.e. collecting strange things in his eyes
(like bulbs, lighter etc), watch TV and stockpiling spareparts for himslef from the other widely available deactivated WALL E. According to some reviews, WALL E`s emotion is a result of watching romantic movies for over 700 years. It also interesting to notes that WALL E also have a pet which is actually a cochroach!!

The plot kick up with WALL-E discovers a seedling plant, which he replants in an old shoe and shortly afterwards the arrival of EVE from a spaceship and her directive is to search for a plant on earth as a sign of life. If she manage to do thats human will be able to return and repopulate earth. WALL E fall in love with EVE at the very first sight. WALL E`s determination to approach EVE is to no avail due to EVE is more interested in fulfilling her directive. In trying to win the attention of EVE, WALL E shows the plant , and as a result EVE`s mission fulfilled, EVE stores it inside herself and deactivates. WALL-E goes to great lengths to protect her motionless body until she is retrieved by the ship that delivered her. Distraught, WALL E races after the ship, clinging to the outer hull as it departs into the depths of space, eventually arriving onboard the spaceship where human resides for a almost a thousand year.
The plots continue, and the background is the spaceship Axiom, the ships full of human where all of them are unable to move without the assistance of a robot. As a result, obesity is their main problem. The Axiom itself is on autopilot by a robot. EVE try to present the plant to captain McCrea (spaceship captain) but unbeknown to her the plant is already stolen by GO 4 (Captain McCrea`s assistance). Actually the robot who control the autopilot is on mutiny and they do not want to send human back to earth. The plant are needed to activate hyperjump function on the Axiom. EVE is deemed to be malfunctioning and sent to the robot repair ward with WALL-E. Mistakenly thinking that the diagnostic machine is trying to hurt EVE, WALL E takes and accidentally uses EVE’s detached cannon arm to free the other malfunctioning robots in the repair ward, and both become fugitives from security. Annoyed, EVE tries to send him back to Earth in an escape pod when McCrea’s first mate GO-4 arrives and deposits the missing plant in the pod, indicating that he had stolen it without McCrea knowing. GO-4 sets the pod to self-destruct and launches it with WALL E inside, but WALL E manages to escape with the plant just before the pod detonates.
EVE return the plant to McCrea followe by WALL E shortly after.Out of curiosity to see the earth condition, captain McCrea projects EVE’s security camera footage, which allows EVE to witness the lengths to which WALL-E went to protect her while she was deactivated, and she falls in love with him. On seeing the footage, Captain McCrea is in shock when he realize that the earth enviromental devastation is so severe and wows to return to earth and clear up all the mess. However the autopilot refuse to obey the order from the captain. Struggle occurs and the captain with the assistance of WALL E, EVE and a bunch of malfunctioning robots manage to defeat the autopilot and his crew. However during the struggle, WALL E is severely “injured”. EVE put the plant in the holo-detector and activating the hyperjump back to Earth.
Having arrived on Earth, EVE frantically try to “heal” WALL E by replacing WALL E`s internal motherboard circuits. At first WALL E seems to be okay but in reality WALL E already lost his memory. Once repaired WALL E backs to his original directive which is to collect, to compact and transport garbage.Heartbroken, and believing that the WALL E she knew and loved is gone forever, EVE takes hold of his hand and gives him a parting “kiss”. The resulting spark reboots WALL E’s memory, and he suddenly recognizes her as they clasp hands in joy and kiss once more. With a renewed sense of purpose, humanity and robots begin working together to restore Earth’s biosphere, directed by the enthusiastic McCrea.
Fuhh..how is it?
well for me its really an interesting story.. It`s just not aboaut love, friendship..it also teach us about our responsibility to take care of our environment and not too dependant on the technology on our daily life… All in all, the movie is quite hillarious and seeing your love one laughing during the show, now thats what I call priceless!!
Till then..adios..
Just to share with you guys, I think, in my humble opinion the best movie of the month award is belong to WALL E. I watched this movie at the TGV Mines shopping Centre and the film`s characters tickles me to the bone!! kudos to Disney and Pixar for this marvelous animation film..

The plot kick up with WALL-E discovers a seedling plant, which he replants in an old shoe and shortly afterwards the arrival of EVE from a spaceship and her directive is to search for a plant on earth as a sign of life. If she manage to do thats human will be able to return and repopulate earth. WALL E fall in love with EVE at the very first sight. WALL E`s determination to approach EVE is to no avail due to EVE is more interested in fulfilling her directive. In trying to win the attention of EVE, WALL E shows the plant , and as a result EVE`s mission fulfilled, EVE stores it inside herself and deactivates. WALL-E goes to great lengths to protect her motionless body until she is retrieved by the ship that delivered her. Distraught, WALL E races after the ship, clinging to the outer hull as it departs into the depths of space, eventually arriving onboard the spaceship where human resides for a almost a thousand year.
The plots continue, and the background is the spaceship Axiom, the ships full of human where all of them are unable to move without the assistance of a robot. As a result, obesity is their main problem. The Axiom itself is on autopilot by a robot. EVE try to present the plant to captain McCrea (spaceship captain) but unbeknown to her the plant is already stolen by GO 4 (Captain McCrea`s assistance). Actually the robot who control the autopilot is on mutiny and they do not want to send human back to earth. The plant are needed to activate hyperjump function on the Axiom. EVE is deemed to be malfunctioning and sent to the robot repair ward with WALL-E. Mistakenly thinking that the diagnostic machine is trying to hurt EVE, WALL E takes and accidentally uses EVE’s detached cannon arm to free the other malfunctioning robots in the repair ward, and both become fugitives from security. Annoyed, EVE tries to send him back to Earth in an escape pod when McCrea’s first mate GO-4 arrives and deposits the missing plant in the pod, indicating that he had stolen it without McCrea knowing. GO-4 sets the pod to self-destruct and launches it with WALL E inside, but WALL E manages to escape with the plant just before the pod detonates.
EVE return the plant to McCrea followe by WALL E shortly after.Out of curiosity to see the earth condition, captain McCrea projects EVE’s security camera footage, which allows EVE to witness the lengths to which WALL-E went to protect her while she was deactivated, and she falls in love with him. On seeing the footage, Captain McCrea is in shock when he realize that the earth enviromental devastation is so severe and wows to return to earth and clear up all the mess. However the autopilot refuse to obey the order from the captain. Struggle occurs and the captain with the assistance of WALL E, EVE and a bunch of malfunctioning robots manage to defeat the autopilot and his crew. However during the struggle, WALL E is severely “injured”. EVE put the plant in the holo-detector and activating the hyperjump back to Earth.
Having arrived on Earth, EVE frantically try to “heal” WALL E by replacing WALL E`s internal motherboard circuits. At first WALL E seems to be okay but in reality WALL E already lost his memory. Once repaired WALL E backs to his original directive which is to collect, to compact and transport garbage.Heartbroken, and believing that the WALL E she knew and loved is gone forever, EVE takes hold of his hand and gives him a parting “kiss”. The resulting spark reboots WALL E’s memory, and he suddenly recognizes her as they clasp hands in joy and kiss once more. With a renewed sense of purpose, humanity and robots begin working together to restore Earth’s biosphere, directed by the enthusiastic McCrea.
Fuhh..how is it?

Till then..adios..
WALL E!! luv watching this movie..:)Really entertaining,funny and of course that little wall.e,so cute! ;)
Like mramry said,it's just not about love n friendship..it's more than that..Just watch it yourself.A brilliant story to be enjoy!!
and thank you abg..for taking me watching this movie..it's mean priceless to me ;)
memang bes sgt citer ni..cute n sweet
yup.. I`m lookin` forward for Madagascar plak.. :)
ala, abg amry.. najwa x tgk lg wall e.. dah bagi spoiler lak....huhu
xpe, i'll wait for you to belanja me tgk cite madagascar 2 lak. hehe