The blog owner and his sister

huhu..well I dont care about all those stuff by the way. Then out of nowhere, a salesmen ‘magically’ appeared infront of me persuading me to take a look at his stall. Spot on mate!! He was selling ‘a thing’ I cannot resist!! (poor me.. :P) It`s an Arsenal FC jersey, home and away kit.. How did on earth he knows that I`m an Arsenal FC supporter!! After a while of thinking, I`ve decided to buy the home kit. By the way I think the away kit colour (yellow) is not suitable for Arsenal. Red is Arsenal, Arsenal is Red..thats the way it is..
The salesmen informed me that the kit is original..but my 6th sense told me that it is a fake Nike jersey from Thailand, grade A of course.. Please dont blame me ok, blame my employer for not giving me enough salary for me to buy the original Nike kit..huhu 1st class facility, low class salary..typical Malaysian, yeaahh Malaysia Bolehh!!
So, tonite I will be watching Fulham vs Arsenal at home- wearing my new kit (it`s malaysian time +8 GMT) with my brother who is according to him is a true manure supporter
yaya..trash Fulham at the cottage!!
I hate Scolari!! I Hate Chelsea!!
huhu...poor you and poor me too... keje cam nak mampos tp salary ciput x ingt..xpela, nice jersey tho. by the way, who's that girl beside you??? (^_^)
The girl is my naughty sister huhu..