This morning I received an email with an error which I never heard/know before. Anybody out there who were "special" enough to face this problem? Frankly speaking, since I subscribed to Celcom Mobile Broadband, I didn't encounter any problem with their service (except in a few occasions where the error 619 demon 'surface' and caused my connection to transform from BROADBAND service to SUPER SNAIL BAND).
A subscriber try to do connections to the internet, and.....the browser will automatically directed to this webpage Thinking that his homepage maybe accidentally changed, he tried to open another website. To this subscriber horror, it seems that he cannot even open another page because every time the subscriber typed a web address and hit enter, automatically it will be directed back to this haunted
Since I never face this problem before, I don't have any concrete answer to this problem.. Generally, if the subscriber are able to open the site, that means the internet connection is OK. The most probable answer is that the subscriber computer was invaded by a virus/malware. I did try to open the website myself. Here is the screenshot:

A quick WHOIS of this website:
This website is registered under a company located at Shanghai China ( So, if its so happen that your computer was invaded by viruses/malware, then you know exactly what you need to do. Update your Antivirus and make sure your firewall is activated. Don`t forget to delete all your browsers old temporary internet files and cookies. Go to my computer, right click on drive C and go to disk clean up. Clear everything. Then repeat the same procedure to your other drive. Reinstall or better upgrade your dialing software and modem driver to the latest version. If still failed, try to do System restore. If everything has been done but you still get the same error, then maybe its time for you to reformat your computer.
P/s: If you happen to be the victim of this error, please give me the full detail so that we can find the best solution for it.TQ
Hi Mr. Amry, I'm having this head-spinning problem today :P. U recommend 'Clearing everything on Drive C', that means I will lose all my program files, right? Is there any other way to get rid of this VLBDC, Hellllllllllllllpppp! TQ very much.
Mr Obo,by clearing everything in drive C means (temporary and old unnecessary files ONLY)just right click on drive C>properties>Disk Cleanup.
however, I did google arround and found that there were other almost similar problem. error "waiting for vlbdc" and then displayed vlbdc connecting error. This happen most probably due to your computers failure to create a PDP session to the servers. The address shown on the browsers address bar is not but vlbdc/vlb. vlbdc/vlb is not a valid html files extension. Therefore the failure must be either on your software or on your network.
for the time being, try switching your network type to GSM (GPRS/EDGE ) only then try these steps:
and one more, MAYBE a driver update may assist you on this matter.TQ
memang biasa problem nie... bila enter address dia tukar vlbdc.. tapi kadang kadang la. yang peliknya kadang2 nak log in email atau frenster pun dia boleh pegi vlbdc ni
I have been having this problem too. Just a tip. If u have installed Vista over an Xp machine, vista creates a folder called Windows.old. REMOVE IT.
I'm on Celcom Prepaid Broadband. Usually only happens when my prepaid is over. But now it happens frequently. I dont think its a malware from the computer. If its a kind of malware then it is from the USB Broadband Dongle.